Monday, April 16, 2012


“Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the unexpected can also take you over and change your life. Put a heart in your body where a stone used to be.”  
 - Same Kind of Different as Me-
An amazing read! If you love missionary work or working with the homeless, I highly recommend it. Even if you don't, still give it a read. It starts out a little slow, but offers an amazing true story.

I don't even think I can put into words what a fantastic weekend I just had! I finally got to go to Dallas with my best friend from college, Ashley. We have been planning a trip to go there forever, and it finally fell into place :)
To start with, I want to say what a beautiful person Ashley is. She really has been a blessing since the day she entered my life. We first worked together at the apartments in college. She was one of my only team member I could count on to do a good job at tasks. She put her whole self into that job and I can not thank her enough for that. Once I graduated, we kept in touch. She became my official shoulder to cry and lean on when times got tough. I would text her in the middle of the day with all types of issues and she always knew the right words to say. The most important part of our friendship is that we are both Christians, trying to grow in our faith and relationship to Him. Our friendship reminds me of a part of the book that was in my post last week 
"Someone once said that the depth of a friendship is determined by the depth of what you hold in common. If your common bond is an interest in tennis, chances are you'll have a shallow relationship. What I've found in my own life is that when the common bond is Jesus Christ, there's a potential for a deep, abiding friendship in which you're knit together at the soul."
It is so refreshing to have a friend that is as positive and loving as Ashley. After meeting her family, I can easily see why she is the way she is. Thank y'all for opening up your home and hearts to me. I enjoyed finally getting to meet y'all. I cannot wait to return, (hopefully soon!!) :)
 Now to the quote that I put at the beginning of this blog. My heart was given a boost of humbleness and love this weekend. Ashley took me to downtown Dallas to feed the homeless at a kitchen she regularly volunteers at. Talk about an unexpected situation. I had no idea really want to expect, except that I wanted to go in with an open heart and a smile. It was an amazing opportunity to experience. I met so many wonderful people. Many of them had a smile on their face and when I asked how they were doing, some even said, "I am very blessed". Isn't that amazing? How many people with a home, a full stomach and tons of money walk around with a frown on their face? These people have nothing, but the clothes on their back and they can say they are blessed. That was so unexpected to me, a very good unexpected. It made my heart so happy to see them receiving God's Word and having their Bibles open!
It is times like these that I count all of my blessings over and over again in my head. Times like these that I know my heart belongs in His work. Helping those who cannot help themselves makes me feel complete. I felt more complete when I was at the kitchen than I have in a long time. It was the ultimate reward to see them leave with a little bit more hope and a full belly. I pray I can go back again and see those wonderful people. I also pray God can open up more opportunities like this in my own community.
So, the next time you feel that your heart is turning to stone and you need a boost, just volunteer! Volunteer where ever you feel called. Whether it is with people or animals or behind the scenes. Every little bit that you do counts, not just for them, but for you as well. :)
Love y'all and God Bless,
But I found out everybody's different--the same kind of different as me. We're all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us. The truth about it is, whether we rich or poor or somethin in between, this earth ain't no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless--just workin our way toward home.” - Same Kind of Different as Me-

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