Thursday, January 19, 2012


Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

I remember the day when I realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life…

I was sitting in a seminar for the Society of Leadership and Success. It was a honors group I was asked to be a member of. In order to be a member, you have to complete these seminars about different topics. To be honest, I was just completing the requirements because you also were given an honor cord. I was a little “honor cord obsessed” in my college days. I just dreamed of walking across the stage with all these cords and a medal. I wanted people to see how much hard work I put into my 3 years at Sam! I ended up walking across the stage with 5 cords and my Honors Program medal.

Anyway, back to the seminar…I was sitting in a classroom with a ton of other students. Most of us were less than thrilled to have to sit in another classroom after a day full of lectures and professors. In fact, most of us just played on our cells the whole time we were there. The president of the society handed out a paper and told us about how todays seminar will help us decide on what our “true calling” is. Doubtful, I thought. I have done these things before. Career assessment tests that tell me I should become a police officer. Really? Anyone who knows me, knows #1 I close my eyes even during the previews of scary movies. So why would I put myself in a real life scary movie?! #2 The only direction I will be running when a criminal is around is away, not after.  The only way I will ever become a police officer is if I am part of the K9-unit. In that case, I am just going to play with Fido all day.

I decide to give this assessment a try. Maybe get a good laugh about what it will tell me. It is not like I am going to switch my major around. It is my fall semester of my senior year, I am going to graduate and become a…oh yeah that’s right…I recently decided that maybe I don’t want to work at a news station and with the media. Maybe open my own film company? Move to LA and work for E!? Become a teacher? Go work as a zookeeper? WHAT!? Wait, STOP! Just take the test that is in front of you, Lauren. (In case you were wondering, yes this is how thoughts process in my mind)

Do you know what the assessment told me? It told me that my “true calling” is helping people. It is kind of amazing, because in a way I always knew that. I just didn't know I could make a whole career out of it. How awesome would it be to know you are making a positive influence on someone’s life each day? I remember it all hitting me and looking around the see if this has the same effect on others as it did on me. It didn't, most were still anxious to leave and start their normal college nightlife routine. I just sat back, smiled and felt at peace. I almost immediately started looking for jobs at non-profit companies such as Make a Wish, Livestrong and Alzheimer’s Association. Fast forward to present day…

I ended up not getting a job at a non-profit. I interviewed at a few, but with this job market, most really wanted more with experience. Which is fine, because it all worked out for the best. I currently work at an insurance agency, but still get to help people and follow my morals daily. I think that it is the biggest deal breaker for me. I have to be able to have a job where my morals aren’t constantly questioned. I work across the street from my church, so I get to look out my window and see a steeple all day long. I can read my Bible on my lunch break and work in a really positive environment. Looking back, I realize on that day sitting in a classroom, filled with students who were just wanting to leave and get on with their life, my life changed. God started working in me, and it is only now, well over a year later that I see all of this.

Have you ever been a part of something that just makes you want to smile? You just look upon it and realize it is His hands at work? Well, I get to experience this every week! I have recently began working with the youth group from my church. I can easily say it is the most rewarding, encouraging, and amazing thing I have been a part of in a long time. I get to see how the love and grace of God grows in these teens every week. I get to help them overcome challenges, laugh with each other and succeed. I can’t help but to find myself smiling when I look at that group of teens. I know it has nothing to do with me and everything with God working through me. It is like I have finally found my way of helping and giving back. I can’t wait to see how the Lord will use me to help them and how he will use them to help me grow as well.

I can't live my whole my life wasting 
all the grace that I know you've given 
Cause you made me for so much more 
than sitting on the sidelines…

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