Growing up, all teenage girls have a sort of “check list” of
traits their boyfriend MUST possess. Whether it is the typical blonde hair, blue
eyes. Or the tall, dark and handsome. I can almost guarantee that every girl
has some sort of dream guy in her mind. My guy went a little something like
16- Year-old Lauren Roehr’s Must-have in a Guy List
Straight teeth…or at least a nice smile
Rockin’ Bod…or at least care about your health
Funny…on every girl's list
Honest, trustworthy and all that junk
Morals…because I always have stuck by mine
As you can tell, I was pretty shallow back in the day. If I
wasn’t thinking with the mind of a 16 year old, I would have probably flipped
that list around. Actually, that list kind of followed me through college too. By
following this list I managed to date a hand full of guys who, might have been
great to look at, but lacked on honesty and sometimes morals as well.
To be fair, I was 16. I was immature, everything was a big
deal and what I wanted changed on a daily basis. I dated many different guys
and was pretty much never single. I would go from hanging out with one guy, get
tired of him and almost instantly find another. (None of these were serious
relationships, where love was involved). Things were easy that way and I never
got lonely. I was never alone and
therefore, never had to learn how to be by myself. Thankfully, I was smart
enough to keep my morals throughout all of this. I am proud to say I never have
been, and never will be a girl who sleeps around, or needs that type of love to
feel comfort. I just really enjoyed always having someone around to have fun
with and get those sweet, “Good Morning” texts from.
It wasn’t until the first semester of college that I had to
learn how to be on my own. My boyfriend of almost 2 years and I had just broken
up. We both went our separate ways to college. He was honest with me when we
first started dating about how we would break up when college came. I just
really thought I would change his mind. (Made note to self: A guy will only
change his way and mind when he wants to for himself, not for anyone else). That
first semester at college was to say the least, tough. I was thrown into a sea
of people, where I only knew maybe 5. All I wanted was to be back with him. I
had no clue how to be single. Actually, I am still terrible at being single. I
don’t enjoy living the life many single people do. I am such a homebody, even
more now than then. I went back home almost every weekend. So, I didn’t lead the normal single college
girls life. Most guys in college just want one thing…the one thing that they
won’t get from me.
Knowing that, I stayed single that whole first year, and it
got easier as time went on. I learned not to depend on anyone, except myself.
There were a few guys who showed their interest here and there. Nothing that
was ever made more than a few dates. Then, I fell in love again. Zip through 8
months of that, straight into another serious relationship of over a year, and
I found myself back at square one of not know how to be alone.
This time it is different because I have Him. HE tells me
that I am not alone, that I have never been alone and that I will never be alone.
He tells me that in my darkest hour, when no one else is there to be found, He
is there. He calms the storm inside of me, fills up the loneliness and lets me
know that I am loved, because I am His!! He was there the whole time, I just
needed to realize His presence.
Realizing all of this was been such a blessing on my life.
Hard times don’t seem as hard and I can just see everything clearer now. All of
this brings me to the point of this blog, my new list. My new list, isn’t even
a list at all. This criteria centers around HIM! I know that what I was missing
before in all of my relationships was, Him. I know I want to marry a man who loves God
more than he loves me. A man who isn’t afraid to give everything to God. A man
I can pray, worship and rejoice in the Lord with. Someone who understands why I
go to Bible study on Tuesday, help with youth on Wednesday, Sunday and sometimes overnight trips. Who will encourage
me and push me to be the best Christian I can be. I want my children to have
two parents that follow Christ. I want a
marriage that when times get tough, we turn to Him for guidance instead of sin
or worldly things. Thinking of these things is what makes my heart happy.
I pray that if it is in His plan for me to get married, that my husband will be all of this and more...
As for my life now, I plan to continue on my walk with Him. I am using this time as a single woman to let my relationship with Him grow. I know He will use me in ways that will benefit most from me being single. Ways that I would not being able to help with if I was still in college, or married with a family. I truly am giving it all up to Him and can't wait to see what blessings will unfold while doing His work here on this temporary home.
I pray that if it is in His plan for me to get married, that my husband will be all of this and more...
As for my life now, I plan to continue on my walk with Him. I am using this time as a single woman to let my relationship with Him grow. I know He will use me in ways that will benefit most from me being single. Ways that I would not being able to help with if I was still in college, or married with a family. I truly am giving it all up to Him and can't wait to see what blessings will unfold while doing His work here on this temporary home.
25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and
gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the
washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to
himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might
be holy and without blemish.[a] 28 In the same way husbands should love their
wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one
ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does
the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall
leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become
one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to
Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as
himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Ephesians 5:25-33
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